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HomeDesignHow Brands Can Leverage QR to Connect with Customers

How Brands Can Leverage QR to Connect with Customers

We are in the era where brands can leverage QR code to connect with customers.

Did you know?

The pandemic increased the importance and pervasiveness of QR codes. Because of their ease of use and increased adoption rates, they have become an appealing tool for marketers.

In 2022, 23.4 million adult smartphone users in Nigeria (or 27.5 percent of all smartphone users) will scan a QR code.

Emmanuel Ofobor QR code Expert Nigeria

By 2025, this proportion will have risen to 42.6 percent.

Following a pandemic-induced surge in 2020, the number of smartphone QR code scanners in the Nigeria will expand at an 5.7 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2025.

Marketing and Advertising strategist should focus on creating QR codes that enable more innovative, enjoyable, and useful customer interactions


How can Brands Leverage QR Codes to Connect with Customers?

This can be accomplished by gamification (including discount games), access to promos and bargains, and information on product origin, history, and traceability, capabilities, or reviews..

  • By including a QR code into business cards, product packaging, brochures, print advertising, and direct mail, you may add another marketing touchpoint.
  • According to Yomade Adeyinka Amuda , CFO of 6x QR code generator, QR codes on packaging or package labelling can provide consumers with more product information than can fit on a label.
  • QR codes on purchase receipts, price tags, shelves, buildings, and even employees can improve the shopping experience.
  • Decathlon, a French sporting goods retailer, has launched an app that allows consumers to avoid long lineups by scanning QR codes on price tags and paying through the app.

Get more customers with a 6x QR Code

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